Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hydrocortisone And Lysosomes

The spirits that I cried, "I will unfortunately always going on. Miaaauuuuuu. Cherry

Today is Halloween. Fat little children in sausage costumes stand at the door and yell, "Trick or Treat!". I wish I were Willy Wonka. "What did you say? I do not understand a word. You mumble always so. What did he say? "But because I also have a soft side, it's hard to believe we bought 3 huge bags of candy. 3 bags. Did I mention that our front door bell is out of service for 4 weeks? Shame, shame, shame. That means 50% of the sweets are mine, because 50% ring, 25% knock on the door and the remaining 25% comes to ring them first and then the clever idea to knock. The latter go to private schools. Money buys in the U.S. namely brain. 50% of Tootsie Rolls are so determined for my cow's stomach. Is it not to be a curse a child? In contrast to the adults have to as a miniature adult as a streetwalker for sweets 1Dollar value work. Where the ladies and gentlemen in the horizontal business even easier, yes. You do not go from house to house to purchase. Although I probably chasing the one shudders down the spine when I imagine the.
Halloween. A knock at the door. The little children play, the dog chasing its own tail, mom cooks and dad lying on the couch.
dad jumps up to open the door. He breathed forward with wicked voice
trick or treating. Miauuuu. Hello you wild Tigscher, Ick ick am the Zahara and ma wanted to ask if you want to feel your lips on meene Zoft Schnulli, wa. Cost you fufzig bells and Jümmeltüte n Hunni without wa. Watt was Beede to us? Is dochn knackijes Anjebot, huh? "
Papi with his mouth open and his eyes fixed on Putzenklinkerhures intake can hardly believe his luck. Has the union of the prostitutes finally decided what makes sense. Finally, the Jehovah's Witnesses do not go to him on the parched family jewels. "But I have not ordered anything," it is bursting out of it. Quickly he corrected himself last he closed the door softly behind him can fall into the lock "I mean, that was fast, now I've dreamed of you and then you're in the cat costume at my door! Hundreds of you have said? "Zahara chewing gum in their last round she scratched at her breast: "Morning jibt it snow. Hähäää. Sure, Hunni ick have jesacht watt and Zahara vespricht did keep OOCH se, wa. . Come thou Züßer ick pack, Piller times from here "will grab Just when Zahara through the access slot of father Günnis underwear, it rattles on his arm:" You old Günni nothing, are you back eingepennt. What I have just married for a chandelier. I have to do everything yourself. Wake up you Kacklappen and help me meet your beautiful wife, the table. "
" sucks "Günni thinks're just a fucking dream was."
For some people, marriage is still a true Genuss.Wilhelm Bush is the clever boy once said, alluding to Friedrich Schiller's " check drum, you leap, Whether the heart to heart! : "So test who join forever if not found what better self." Today, Halloween is to me but also my mother, me, if I ran away again before my hot dates made, because they, unlike me seriously thought they used to say: ". The spirits that I cried," I will now go again "
In this sense. Happy Halloween! Your sorcerer's apprentice.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pottery Barn Sofa Covers Replacement

coupon, Tadalafil Mitch, credit cards and Kathy Bail Out Bill. The history of MidwifeCrisis.

Sometimes I remember the USA so a little (very) to the GDR. Just recently in the supermarket because a large sign stood in the packed raspberries to date: ". Only 4 per family" In German ". Only 4 per family" "Oh my God, the Russians are coming" I still thought to myself when I was a woman in her motorized cart of way and cocky einparkte before the counted raspberries with screeching tires. "She looked determined and knows what message this morning, which I do not know," flashed through my mind. "Will I buy another 4 times better and Paekche raspberries before the Soviets invade the U.S. and there is nothing left to nibble!" So I put my butt through the ranks and swung my arm and happy shopping basket attached to it the raspberries. Ca. 25 packages were left and far and wide, except Motorelli and I see no one. We were able to inspect in peace the fruits from the garden of Eden to pick out the best in us. I thought. At one time was a rush as one would have screamed that Engelbert Humperdinck distributed autographs. Every 40 year old woman who was found in the shopping paradise came out jumped the chip racks to fall to the raspberries. "Well fine," I shouted. So I had my time wasted, the raspberries to take a close look at while the "ordinary American" and made no bones about it all packed up what they can get. That is what Motorelli namely siegesfreudigem with facial expression and 4 packs finest raspberries in his luggage. Reverse clean, Coupon Cherry rolled übern foot forward gear in and under Indian singing from the middle to the checkout where tadalafil Mitch can not wait Motorelli's aka Kathy's Plastikärtchen Credit cards to be drawn through the crack. Now asks the confused reader who these people with the wonderful name for assets to be. Well, this can be explained.

Coupon Cherry.
Coupon Cherry is the most economical among the Americans. It sells, the obscure housewives not evenings with base such as entertainment on TV or even with tender loving care of her husband or no, Coupon Cherry's best friend is a pair of scissors and PosemucklerVille Gazette. That is where they find that is the hottest deals. "Buy 4 packages raspberries, but they pay only 3 1 / 4", they Babybreichen Buy 5 and get it the 6th free "or" Save $ 1 when you buy two dildos. "The latter, it has sorely needed for her husband get in as much Sparerenthusiasmus for 3 years no more high and as much happiness as tadalafil Mitch he has not, unfortunately. The advertisements for the pills to the stem at any time to get tough, he can at the Children screaming and the sound of what caused the gap on the paper coupons unfortunately never understand.

tadalafil Mitch.

tadalafil Mitch is married with credit cards Kathy. Kathy is in credit cards has the Midwife Crisis, and that's why Mitch and tadalafil in the bedside table. The only way to satisfy Kathy is to let the glow credit card until the doctor comes. Credit Kathy has not only a credit card, but nine. Every single credit card and its appearance are Kathy goose bumps. Her husband, however only gets goose bumps when the credit card bill at the end of the month in the Holding hands. Because he loves his wife but, knowing that the MidwifeCrisis will eventually come to an end again he hugged them every 30th of the month and whispered to her lovingly in his ear that he kills at the next billing when she returned his entire salary out throws for scrap. Because credit cards Kathy and Mitch is true love but because of the Midwifecrisis and its impact without the help of Mitch's pee can not hop, they are both appointed by the joint account tadalafil. Galore. Mitch had let out a lot of frustration in the past 2 years. Here comes into play Bail Out Bill.

Bail Out Bill

Bail Out Bill benefits from tadalafil Mitch and credit cards Kathy. Coupon Cherry is it just a thorn in the side. The Cherry conservative he is not interested. Cherry, can be more precise, what not start. Bail Out Bill is the sheet anchor in the stormy Schuldensee. He comes from nowhere and helps Dödel Mitch and his KlimBim Kathy from the terminal. Bail Out Bill has enough dough and power, he can at the supermarket and buy 8 packages raspberry without encountering resistance. Of course, just because tadalafil Mitch at the checkout of the supermarket and works Bail Out Bill so now what is good for him. More specifically, $ 10,000 is good. Since make 4 packets raspberries the coal no longer fat and Mitch Bail Out Bill would also really do not have as its enemy. Bail Out Bill that is always gets what he wants. In sharp contrast to Cherry coupon, Tadalafil Mitch and credit cards Kathy, who get what they deserve. The MidwifeCrisis.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ward Ap Biology Lab 8


My grandmother had 2 ears. "Man, but since it has been lucky," the anatomical versed reader says now. "Other people have only one ear."
No reason Envy monaural my readers, my grandmother had in fact only one breast. Many years before she died, was diagnosed with breast cancer in my Ömchen. Taff and women are from the war but / were my grandmother fought bravely against her disease and won the fight. "We must take things as they come," she would say. My grandmother was a ninja and I am proud of my Grandma that she has looked all tasks so bold in the eye. A few years ago my grandma died. So her body, her soul is definitely in a nice place.
Back to my grandma's ears. My grandmother had 2 ears heard only hear what they wanted. I find good. Such ears I praise. My grandmother used to say that their ears and their hearing so that would be so bad. My Grandma the rascal. Was it about topics like their health, my grandmother was at one time, only every second Word understand. Strangely, you could sit at the same time but on the other end of the table and quietly whisper "shit" because it sounded even against one of Omi "shit talk!" Flashing a grin at Omis eyes.
My father has only one ear. Oh, the poor say the 2-eared reader now. But no pity. But my father has 3 breasts. What? So easily misunderstandings. Once properly watch and my father is disfigured forever. I wanted to say that he is more gray matter than all of us has. So simple it is rehabilitated. This gray matter also helps him to hide unwanted topics. Demonstratives "non-functioning ear ear turn to the conversation partner" is one of its methods. "Mäusi, you are standing on the wrong side, how should I understand what? I have no tit? "" No daddy, I said you have a screw loose! "" My point exactly, I have NO tit! "One must also distinguish deliberate misunderstandings and unintentional misunderstandings. Unintentional misunderstandings that Bon Jovi is gay.
Papa: "I like Bon Jovi, who is also gay"
Me: "Not that I know! Did not the children and a wife? "
Papa:" Oh. Really? I always thought of was gay. I mean of course the gay "
Me:" No, not really. Do you even know who Bon Jovi is "
Dad:" Sure, that's the singer who sang this famous song there. Well how does it go fast? "
Me: "Well that's a bomb description!"
Papa: "Oh no know what I mean George Michael, exactly."
Me: "Dad, who is indeed gay, but that only what is known, is the toilet Story
Papa. "No, you're wrong, who sang this great song for those who died there in the tunnel. Man was still the same as the "
I:" You mean Lady Di "
? Papa: "Exactly. See, we got on it yet. Is not Bon Jovi is gay. I have no idea of anything like that. But the George Michael I was always good. ! The crazy with his glasses "
silence for 2 seconds
Dad:" What are you so stupid now lachst'n "
Me:" Ah Papilein, do you mean Elton John. "

Best laugh about them. But as you just can not get to speak evil of others with impunity, without them, I tell rather by my ears before someone else does.
In the 80s I had 2 small ears. Listening to the radio was my big passion. Music was my life. would When asked what my favorite band and which is my favorite song, I replied with a gleaming white milk teeth: "The Ketshup Boys and radio Kaka." Even on repeated notice of our visit, that does not mean the Petshop Boys Ketshup and Queen and their song Radio Gaga should not be pushed into a corner fecal n, I was on my version. Since I am misunderstanding but I did bring me a candy silenced.

pity that at that time, yet at times my answer, Lady Gaga was!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Map Updates For Lg Gps

English in other parts of the Earth. Part 2 The supermarket of the intellectuals.

Germany and whose passport holders are well known for her accent and crisp pure English. It really is logical, but we all crammed Angel Saxon happy at school and our parents the most important vocabulary to survive hammered sensitive. "No, Daddy, no! You can not say to everyone: "Nice to meet you shit face!" "No, Dad, yes, I know has taught you the Mike. Yes, Mike is Amerikanese. Yes, I have no clue about anything. Achso. Achsoooo, you know what that means. Well then. ! Then our neighbor can indeed now come over, "

very reason, enjoy the Homeland Security Officer at American airports, whenever they have a German passport with the polite words," get hold Please "under the nose. Phrases like, "What is the purpose of your trip" to know the officials are much too trivial for the educated Oktoberfestler. "Holidays": A much more challenging question, the officials of the blessed BMW manufacturer at hand all
The tense face of the Germans eventually started to panic-stricken face Xenoglossophobie into a sunny smile turn. The word does the German. The word is already quasi Germanized. HOLIDAYS. Each letter is a treat for the stressed-out Germans with 30 days HOLIDAYS.
"Yes" bubble it so contrary to articulate Homeland Security officer from Almdödel. Previously, this little word "Yes" enough to the land of unlimited limited opportunities to invade and to dance in Miami lassen.In times the puppets of organized terrorism, can be connected to this point in the story but no one enter.
fingerprints and a snapshot of the face have yet to be made and measured the temperature. Fortunately, the Michael Schumacker this procedure already in the other entering the country, which were welcomed in front of them and released, predicted. After 7 ½ Try the right hand and the fingers may be placed on the fingerprint scanner, the German tourists finally enter into the sacred land. The odyssey begins.

Actually, the Odyssey does not begin until the lovely entry. It's basically going to have technical vocabulary, that the word Holiday means for the American holiday, not like our English teacher has infused our German "holiday." Because the ordinary Americans (especially the officials at the airport) is very adaptable, however, and he has learned the German 7 million tourists not wrong to lie when they say they are on holidays need not remember the German word vacation.

both instructive and exciting as a visit to Disney World for the eloquent German is a visit by an American on his own job. Mind you an American, who, other than English and has no English language skills. Blessed be the teaching of English as the one enjoyed has, at that time 25 years ago. Coupled with the words of English which have been picked up here and there in a rap song of the son you are and the patient so well prepared to meet the rays into the eye look.

"Hello, my name is Kathy. Mr. Miller, CT for you here? "Kathy nodded her head wildly.
the ambassador from the embassy official who had landed at a thoracic / abdominal CT scan in the radiology smiled. Mr. Miller's response: "I think so!"
Kathy excitedly to their trainees, which I was in this spectacle: "What did he say?"
Me: "He said he thinks times already that he is here for a CT."
Kathy: "He thinks" This is not like that, that he must know. I'm in hot water if I put the wrong patient on the table. Marie you have to always be sure that you have the correct patient on the table. Always match the name on the request with ALL. Me: "Kathy, I do not know but based on his accent, I would guess that you are the right ones have. Unmolested Kathy asked, "Your name is Andrew Miller?" Patient: "Yes."
Kathy: ". Super" Mr. Miller, about 1, 95 large sitting expectantly in the 1 by 1 meter big dressing room and looked at Kathy still smiling.
Kathy to me: "Did I say something wrong? Why the smiling so much? . Wow, the white teeth, "I just shrugged his shoulders and said," Americans just "
Kathy:". OK Miller, we will do it now! You must be naked for CT. Clothes not good for CT " Suddenly, my spirits rose. Ohooooo, I have a linguistic genius by my side. This is certainly an amusing examination!
Kathy: "We go out and you take of clothes, OK?"
Mr. Miller: "Do I have to take off everything"
Kathy to me "What does he have?"
I to Kathy: "He asks if he has to take off everything."
Kathy: "Yes trousers and T-shirt, but the underpants (Kathrin attracted In his waistband leave). ? OK
Mr. Miller a little confused ". OK
Kathy closed her door and asked," How do I make myself "" Great, "I said. "If you should need my help but, tell me," I added. Kathy said: "Iwooo that Miller and I get along blindly."
After 2 minutes, we opened the locker door, and Mr. Miller stood in his underwear and socks in front of us. His smile was a bit chilly. What was surely only in the cold.

Kathy: OK Miller, Andrew. Here is the big hole you go in. The table you need to go on. . Head to the hole please "
Mr. Miller:" On my back? "
Kathy:" Yes we come back "
Mr. Miller." No , no, I mean ... "Mr. Miller was interrupted by the doctor, who was beaming with suppressed Xenoglossophobie in the examination room.
Doctor: "Hi, I am the doctor for you. We will contrast pumping liquid into your bohdy. It might be hot in your bohdy. Sometimes patients feel they need to pee on the table concern, but no. That is normal. Will happen no. . This relax and please lie down on the spine "The doctor and the patients access nichtsahnendem Disappeared presented with the words:" The ladies here will take care you. See you later "in the control room (the room where the control unit represents the CT).
"Poor Miller," thought I was still with me as Kathy and I returned to Mr. Miller came into the examination room.
Kathy: "Safety First" Mr. Miller "she snorted Miller meet with the testicular capsule in his hand" Cool wa, the. I've heard in television, "Kathy whispered to me.
Kathy "Miller, this for you". Kathy kept the testis capsule conspicuously before their midst. "And the emergency exits are located at the front, rear and center. Poor, poor Miller, "it flashed through my head again.
irritated Mr. Miller visibly lifted his head to get a better perspective on the testicular capsule catch Kathleen's body in the middle can. "What is it for?" He asked with a slightly elevated voice.
Kathy: "Come, Mister Miller, no shy" Kathy took the testis capsule and Mr. Miller's hand, saying: "Please throw your eggs into the basket!"

You happily and triumphantly entered Kathrin away one step from the table and thus the Mister Miller and waited. Mr. Miller, still raised his head went 'the eyebrows down. "What do you mean? I do not have any eggs basket with me and what are you talking about "
Kathy:" It is for security. Your eggs need security. All the rays in the room, you know. Danger to eggs "Kathy used the confusion of Miller from above in order to inflict even more:" But please only the eggs in the basket, not "started
now to Miller to laugh:" the banana. Listen lady, I thought I was in a hospital and not in a grocery store, eggs, bananas, baskets, I have no idea what you are talkin 'about, but you drive me nuts! "
" Nuts! "shouted Kathy pleased. "Now he has it," she chirped loudly. "Yes Mister Miller. You right. I am sorry. You can call them nuts, too! You funny. Eggs, nuts, all same. "
She tapped him on his penis and then the egg" basket You put nuts in this, but not the banana, OK? "When you ready, you put shorts on and we start again!"

After this disturbing experience it was for Miller to do only one thing during the investigation. Through the speakers of the CT against him sounded the sweet voice of the doctor: "Miller, Brett, stop Bretting, aaaaaaannnnd board again. Fantastic Mister Andrew, we are done. The girls come and rescue you. "

Ding, dang, dong like my best friend Jasmine in an English test for irregular verbs after the word" ring, ring "wrote.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Atkins Inorganic Chemistry Online

HMS Astute stranded before Skye

The British broadcaster BBC reported on a rescue mission off the island of Skye after the largest submarine in the Royal Navy there rocky Reason is gone and now is fixed.

According to official statements is the 100-meter and 7800-ton U-boat (cost 3.5 billion pounds) in 2011 first regular service in the UK. Further, the U-boats have a sonar shield that prevents that from his radar device can discover it.

The big question is: What is filling launch Talisker to honor the event accordingly? Or will jump Jim McEwan of Bruichladdich with filling up the slack?

We will soon know's ...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blood Donor Qualification

his instructions for the patient. How to be Part II

The unwanted patient (the example of some poor person)

Step 1: You have to not prepare well on the evening of the next morning.
For example: After dinner, we edited the not several times in the stomach, but can happily go after eating one. True to the motto: "Why Rülpset and you do not Furzet? Did not you geschmacket "( Martin Luther after a dinner at the Wartburg ) tormented facial expression as the locus when a croissant is pressed from the backside of all, if not so necessary. The food was schmackofatziös and it must just all out what does not pay rent.

Step 1 ½: You have to directly min 20th go after dinner on the couch and close the door to the siamesiche solitude to enjoy. 2 min. After sitting on the sofa to the following mantra begins to exude cheerful "Ooohhleeeee Ohhhleeee, Uuuuuhhhh, Aujääääähhäääää. Mhhhhhmmm. Then licking the Elbeuge his partner pretty wet, his lips pressed against it and a personalized Pups with thunderous finish to the general amusement of his passenger.

Step 2: Man, it must definitely be exaggerated. It's fun and tickles. 3-4 boards Pops are not enough to support the tickle attack.

Step 3: You have to move after the "Kille Kille making" experience with the following words in great profusion and un distorted face goodbye to bed: "I've roped you, you can smell up to Rome. Sorry. Give the window the night air out the gas chamber. Come back we hau'n. Nightingales? Nightingales? Nightingales with me? ? Come "

Step 4: You have to half the night with your partner keep you awake, so that one morning beautiful elegant pale appears. Tip: read a book from the ceiling with the pocket lamp which angeknippst for children. This spoils you look at the Glubscher. Oh, wait a minute. That was 15 years. Sorry, my mistake. So please repeat step 1 ½ in the bedroom, but without the puff your lips and preferably in the middle Crook of his partner's body rather than placing the Elbeuge. Children, the modern age is very difficult for me. (Note to kids: The above-mentioned activity, not harm the hawse pipes, but do not please try a crooked back.!)

Step 5: You have to wonder why the mom in the morning in his own bedroom and want to feel the end is because we have not been causing a week of ill-mannered way and concerns reported to her. This one lives but for almost 10 years alone have surely used to it beautifully in his room and should have not be more informed about everything. As she cast a key to the flowers but it is now there and feel one and the bedfellow worried the hot forehead. (Which also min, 30. Remain under the ceiling and breathe deeply is, however, not only because of the lie) . The mom is the story of a sick Hasi, which once said in the morning to her: "Mom feel out my face, I'm hot. Am I pale? I'm feeling still very miserable "

Step 6: After the mom has checked the forehead and says:". Come on and get up times today you try to relax. If it does not work, you just come back home to me . If something unexpected happens, it must be said, in tears: "Mommy, that's not, but I have terrible bloating and my corner is burning like a thousand suns, but I have to work. You blamierst me before my eye, and then come here any more. . Let me, at least today, at home alone, "

Step 7: You must continue howling and watching yet easy to convince the mother that there is no need for concern and calm where we leave the apartment can find a bricklayer left a hole in the wall is!

Step 8: You have to stay on the command issue at home, sobbing: "Thanks mom, you are incorrigible. I will also call Anja and her let me say they always make me remember with you, dear mother to report. But now have my husband and I sleep naked for now. We are dog-tired "

Step 9. One has to question whether one would necessarily say no hunger. Otherwise you are sitting in the kitchen faster than you think. Mom can namely in contrast to the YES-men 1 and 1 are already together and I know what the couple fell in love with the newly elevated temperature after a sleepless night needs.

Step 10: You have from time to time to herself moan and often wander into the palace of mirrors to shower around and repeat steps 1 ½ and step 2 because you have to do it now no better and if you have already received an unwanted day in bed missed, then please also Feetz. Disregard makes you look credible.

Step 11: You must eat from the refrigerator or other storage areas when the shopping mom and it is alone again in his own house. Residues at the mouth can have a while away, but at least they are the bread slices, sausage slices, amount of butter in the butter dish or the quantity of Gewürzgürkchen in the glass property of a self and if one wants one can imagine the Spreewald stuck in the ears and Klingon speak, that's none of your mom. It has invited them no.

Step 12: You have to stand for 12h, approximately by 19 clock, with half-lowered pajama pants in the kitchen door and cried.

Step 13: You have to wonder, "Why?" The answer is quite simple: you thought it has done from the field instead of chicken soup cooking.

Step 14: You must leave the kitchen without a word and as you continue sobbing slowly pull up their pants and disappear into his bedroom.

Step 15: You have to wonder whether all this is worth or whether it is not much less stressful, is one call a week with mom

Step 16: You has to answer the question with a YES if you want to stay another day at home.

Step 17: You have to answer the question "NO" if the mother is a scary and you slowly lose your mind thinks.

Step 18: You need to make a quick decision between steps 16 and 17 before the excited mom enters the room to ask what is going on. reply

I) In the case of step 17, the one his mother with the following sentence:

step 19, "I do not know. It's all about. Can no clear idea of adopt. Do I lose my mind. I must sleep. Can we have a glass of cola and your wonderful cock soup? Surely there is something better then us and we could go back to work tomorrow. Then you have to push the friendly but mom out the door and say: "Thanks for everything and I'll call up tomorrow morning.
II) In the case of step you must be 16 his mother's only reply with the following sentence (after a long break and strenuous disoriented expression "? Why (groan) Was what" (This disturbing answer will guarantee an even and toned Adonis another day in bed, but with the risk raised by the mom in the emergency room to)

step 20. You have to sleep sometime especially if you choose option 17, because tomorrow is the work going on at 9 clock..
But if you also selected step 16, the best of luck during sleep, because the mom is from the daughter and the future son-in-cheek, stroking both simultaneously. But do not worry, then the unintended ill play tomorrow easier!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Raised Red Mark On My Face

patient. Part I

The intended patient (the example of a young, really young teenager)

Step 1: You have to have the evening to prepare well for the next morning.
For example: After dinner, we edited a few times in the stomach. Pained expression as the locus when you pressed a croissant from the most ass. Thus, the mummy, however, not entered on the Schalips feel and is sympathetic, you have to meet her several times with sugar-sweet singing voice following sentence: "Neeeeiiiin, the food was schmackofatzioes, Muttilein is because it does not. Something is in the school in circulation "

Step 1 ½:. You have to be directly min 20th go to the food on the bowl and close the door. 2 min. After sitting on the glasses, one begins to mourn the following mantra: "Ooohhjeeeee Ohhhjeeee, Uuuuuhhhh, Auweiiiiooohhweiii. Mhhhhhmmm. Then, licking his Elbeuge pretty wet and pressed his lips against it and a personalized Pups with thunderous finish.

Step 2: man must not overdo it. Although it is fun and tickles. Pops 3-4 boards are fully sufficient to support the clinical picture.

Step 3: You have to bye straight to the toilet experience with the following words in great profusion and distorted face into the bed: "I have a roped was necessary. Sorry. Give min the window about 20 minutes. the gas chamber air out. I'll beat 'me out. Nightingales "

. Step 4: You have to stay awake half the night, so that one morning seems pretty pale. Tip: read a book under the covers angeknippst with the pocket lamp. Otherwise you spoil the Glubscher Oh, wait a minute. That was 15 years. Sorry, my mistake. So please put on the iPad brightest and surf the Internet. Children who modern time bothers me.

Step 5: You have before mom comes in 30 min. remain under the ceiling and breathe deeply. Just before the mom comes in at a low stretch to raise for the school has to his head and as soon as possible to the point before all the work was in vain: "Mom feel out my face, I'm hot. Am I pale? I'm feeling still very miserable "

. Step 6: After the mom checked the front has and says "Come get up once to try and make you ready. If it does not work, you just come back home, "it must be said, in tears:" Mommy, that's not, I have terrible bloating and my tail on fire as a thousand suns. You blamierst me before the whole school and then because I can never even go there. . Let me, at least at home today "

Step 7: You have MORE HOWL!

Step 8: You have the permission to home sob remain, "Thank you Mom, you're the best. I will also call Anja and ask for the homework. But now I must sleep for now. I'm dog-tired "

Step 9. One has to question whether one would necessarily say no hunger. Otherwise you're sitting in math classes faster than you think. Mom can namely in contrast to the YES-men 1 and 1 are already together.

Step 10: You have from time to time moaning to himself and more often in the mirror palace walk and repeat step 1 ½ and step 2. Disregard makes you look untrustworthy. There is not the most massive marches by without having a fleet of gasoline has tie you to the throne.

Step 11: You have nothing out of the refrigerator or other storage areas to eat when the mom and you go shopping alone in the house. Residues at the mouth can reveal one, as well as a well-organized mother, which the number of bread slices, sausage slices, amount of butter in the butter dish or the quantity of the glass as their Gewürzgürkchen Pocket knows.

Step 12: You have to stand for 12h, approximately by 19 clock, with half-lowered pajama pants in the Kuechentuer and cried.

Step 13: You have to ask not "Why?".

Step 14: You must leave the kitchen without a word and as you continue sobbing slowly pull up their pants and disappear in his room.

Step 15: You have to wonder whether all this is worth or whether a day at school is not much less stressful.

Step 16: You have to answer the question with a YES if you want to stay another day at home.

Step 17: You have to answer the question "NO" if you will even scary, and we so slow to believe the mind to lose.

Step 18: You need to make a quick decision between steps 16 and 17 before the excited mom enters the room to ask what is going on.

Step 19: answer

I) In the case of step 17, the one his mother with the following sentence: " I do not know. It's all about. Can not think straight. Think losing too much fluid. Must sleep. Can I have a glass of coke and salt sticks have? Surely there is something better then me and I can return to school tomorrow.
II) In the case of step 16, you have to answer to his mother only with the following sentence (after a long break and strenuous disoriented expression: "Why is (groan) Was what?" (This guarantee a disturbing answer is another day in bed, however, brought with the risk of the mom and dad to the emergency room to be)

step 20. One must also eventually sleep again. Especially when you have chosen option 17, because tomorrow is the day of release by 7 clock.
one step, however, has chosen 16, good luck sleeping, because the stomach is empty. But do not worry, so the patient does the easier tomorrow!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tattos After Pregnancy

It was great!

You should also look back fondly on the good 48 hours, the good days? Exciting people visited the Basel Les Trois Rois. This photo shows the organizer Alexander O. Huser, Art Furrer, Alice Werwigk, beat Anthony and Wendy Niederberger shortly after the Art Furrer interview. More snapshots

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Is Camels Equivalent To Marlboro Red

Record-breaking prices for 64 year old Dalmore

Dalmore 64 year old bottling is a new standard:

3 bottles led to the "trinity" creation of Richard "The Nose" Paterson, for the princely sum of £ 100,000 per bottle changing hands.
One bottle holds an American whiskey lovers and a Scotch Whisky-investor.

Anyone with enough cash can buy the last bottle of whiskey at the London show in late October. According to Richard Paterson is the "trinity" for the best whiskey, you can buy for money.

Hmm ... what arguments he will probably lead to his next creation into the field to find buyers? We will probably know within the next nine to 12 months.