Thursday, May 22, 2008

Drivers Scaner Brother

turvy world cities

To the maximum daily level reports German fuel prices we are so used to it slowly again. And oh nee Anal Aral and the Dutch Oligolpol-mate and Preisabsprecher Shell finally bring light into the thicket rate is already almost a blessing. Diesel, regular and premium gasoline costs for the poor, livelihoods threatened companies so recently equal. I just wonder just what the two since the last 63 years actually ridden that they used diesel sold cheaper? Was that the loss leader? Probably it is again the usual suspects: the rise in procurement costs on the world market. Since then, however, imposes itself again on the question of how to increase procurement costs for Shell when the drill itself in the North Sea for oil and dig up all the land in Canada to oil sands? Or was the Brent Spar platform, the last of the shell? The absolute firing but today brought the BFT service station in Leinfelden: even 2 cents since diesel was more expensive than regular and premium gasoline.

I still dull remember the car-free Sundays because of the oil crisis of the mid 70s. At that time highways have become giant bike paths for a day because nobody was on the road. Today, the fuel costs almost three times as much and no one thinks about a car-free Sunday. It is stirring not even more to someone. Poor Germany


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