Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Much Does It Cost For Cavity Filling

Germanicanisierung - ". What interests me from my talk yesterday,"

a Berlin with whom one is not extremely thick, you should never ask a question he can not answer "yes" or "No". Should you nevertheless take heart and formulate a question that does not allow a yes / no answer, I suggest you pull the thong ever made of the rear sight and put on the ears. The Berlin with his heart on his short tongue. Not that we were Berliners taciturn, but why should we hold a conversation when our farther than us going with his bonfortionösen questions and answers to the knapsack? Perhaps this statement is better explained in a real-life example from Berlin / Neukölln " jelassen Ey where do you have your dog?" "One watt you doing? Is the top indwelling! Hell, you watt imma make visible to Frajer. Dit are holding even in the coupling of non! " Just as we ask many questions, one should we just not bother.'s Smalltalk either what Americans, eggs, or both. The newcomers you can actually very well to their willingness to recognize chatter.

This winsome trait of Berlin was also a special feature of my peculiarity. Berlin plant indicated. War? Has it been about a Freudian slip? It has not yet changed anything in it? Oh Plädsinn, do not. You get the brat perhaps from the city but the city is not out of the brat.

The year 2011th I, whole blood from Berlin climb, after fourteen hours of travel time and tortured nine hours Yoga Origami completely finished and bloating from my plane. Drag myself tired, but full of anticipation towards passport control. My first personal contact with a live Berlin since February 2010. What could be better than a verbal tête-à-tête with the Federal Border Guard. Quickly, I should like to make my hair flat on the back of the head and feet shuffling stride approach with the glass box. "Hello, how are you?", It gushes out of me while I push him my passport counter. The border officials do not face warp. "It is cold here, I try it on a new one can strike a conversation. The border officials scrolls, calmly in my passport without batting even with the lower lip. "Well, maybe mine is just cool because I'm filthy tired" looking forward to his reply, I stare at him. Finally he sees me in the eye. Delighted with our eye contact, I feel encouraged him a little more to chew the ear with my tender voice: "Man, that was a long flight, I am quite ready! It's been about as if they would sail nine hours in their glass case here über'n Ocean. Can you imagine? No, huh? "The border official looks at me feels like 2 min. at. Then he makes me a question, "Mrs. Schilling," A little confused about his sudden willingness to talk I forgot my maiden name and actually answer truthfully: "No". Before hooking the official may, however, I quickly say, "Yes, of course. Just wanted to test whether they listen. I am woman Schilling. If yes in the passport so you are a joker. That was good. Ahhhh. "Silently and with eyes rolling gives me the officer my passport back and I may enter my home. "Unfriendly asshole," I think as I grab my little wheeled suitcase, and with sore mouth to the baggage claim shuffle. "In America, the stupid officials would at least smile and so did interest him as my pain!"
When I tell a couple of days later my friend this story, made these with laughter almost to the shirt. "Marie, you're the strongest! Since when do you quatscht because people so full? You start small talk at? Previously you had to vorflunkern people that you're deaf and dumb in the course for sign language, unfortunately, the glasses had not had it. . For arrogant one has held up through your silence Strangers, "something acidified by their shameless assertion I would be mutated to an American country bumpkin, I crunched it to:" This was no small talk. Man, I just wanted to be nice to the idiot. I can not help it if the chandelier does not speak my language. "
" Not your language? Schnecki you WEEST however, that the Berlin the heavy accent of the small talk understand not '. "" The next Time, I will dance my name or what? That was keeeeeiiiin Smalltalk. Now listen to it once, did indeed hold the coupling of non. Now, however, is jut. I and Smalltalk. Pah. Never in my life. What a cheese. As recently when I will chat with some strangers. As far's to come. Just because I now live in the U.S., that is probably far from that now mutated into a rubbish bin ick Liese. What a nonsense. Hellooo? Marty McFly, a home? "I patted her with my fist to the forehead. "Really, we have known for 16 years, actually you should know me better!"
"Hi, I'm not just come about in your interview to listen a little. My name is Anja. I'm actually from Schwedt. I live for 3 weeks in Berlin. "" Ah yes, good for you Anja, "I crunched across Berlin to meet her table. "Watt could do 'wa for you. Anja? Ick you should dance my name, or if I et enough simply shake hands? "I looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Well, I've heard out 'in your conversation that you live in the U.S.. I think that's totally great. I know here and I'm not alone here, too. Would it make you what if I sit down with you? Maybe you can tell me then tell a little about the States? "My Friend wanted it straight, with a friendly but firm "No" when my brain cells Americanized my cerebrum urberlinerisches overran. "Sure, sit down. Is yes noch'n free space. What would you like to know as "wide-eyed friend called my whole body in use by the entire Bar:" No, Marie is clear, you dance your name better than of late to run Smalltalk. You are the strongest! Waiter, two cherry vodka please, otherwise keep to these changes by Mary Lou's not out ".
Cheers and Welcome to my Germerica ...


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