I have to start somewhere to break a lance for the Yankee Doodle Dandies. Anyone else thinks, I would have had as a child, no crayons, as black as I paint. In order to explain my understanding of the limitless against Americans and thus to call my ultimate excuse for the Americans, I have, throughout history, go back a pretty far.
Who descended in large part of Europeans, especially the monkey island and the Dutch may not be quite crisp. After the Spananier that Franzaken and the English soon after 1492 in North America drove to mischief, were approximately 30-50 years later, the English Puritans, Royalists and Dutch in the acclaimed country. Then, after 1776, are subject to the Germans their Schlübber below the shoulders and threw themselves into the great adventure. During 1790 a census of the whites in North America, the proportion of the German 9%, the immigration number of German drivers in World War 1 America increased significantly. Estimated 500,000 German immigrant during this "time bomb" to the land of Marottenchaos. Between 1850 and 1930 earned North German Lloyd and Hamburg American Line a golden nose. 5 million German went on a navigation, which for the average citizen, neither funny nor was beautiful. Apart from the above listed countries, immigrant and Irishmen, Scots, Swedes, Swiss, Italians, Poles, Greeks, and countless other nations. Of course different, historical dates, but we want today only in the primeval slime dig. The immigrants came from all directions so in Europe. Heidewitzka. In contrast, in Sodom and Gomorrah, It was a very strict discipline. Imagine Harry Weinfurz pimperte Mareike Amado. They married. A dream wedding. It was nothing out clever. Since "nothing clever" but did not enter into the birth certificate, called the ho (h) l (l) ändische couple's daughter, Linda De Mol 18 years later, the times had become loose, you could fish in other nations for its hot price, Linda de Mol, met Mr. Bean. Her son Forrest Gump schnack rare Paris Hilton, who was the daughter of Lothar Matthäus and Victoria Beckham. You see, the statement "The Black schnack difficult to stay happy" is absolute nonsense, because any nation that has the tools to copulate, of course. Back to the story. After countless failed attempts, it is in Forrest and Paris in an accident. 9 months later, her son Tom Cruise was born. As Paris Hilton unfavorably on a Scientologyvergiftung, triggered by Tom birth, died, married another Forrest times. His second Wife Daniela "cat" Katz gave birth to Tom Cruise's half-brother, Mel Gibson. When one combines these background information together, is a light as bright as Heinrich Goebel light bulb on. We Europeans are at the whims / character / intelligence chaos of the American debt. Listen, if you are raging in 20 different European nations would oddities, you were also pretty quirky. This fact I have to do now always call you back in your head, if even my shame I resist my armpit hair for extra strong balderdash. If I want an unexpected way again sightseeing ticket seller at its kiosks in the sun and happy Courage and full of confidence 2 tickets a 25.00 dollars (taxes already included) require, I will not surprise me in the future if, under the question "figures them separately or together?" And my answer is "Together", the calculator takes out 25 expected x 2. "No," I'm going to tell me I'm not surprised for a change. There is a logical explanation. In his pedigree are with maximum credible number of German security. He can not help it. These are his genes. The last Pisa study showed that in mathematics we Germans are still whistling and you yourself are not even Pythagoras. "Come, I will say to me," now was not like that. Just turn to what you have learned here in the States already beautiful. See 'just your freshly bleached teeth and wait patiently until the nice Ticketmaster beaming after about 2 minutes announced that he receives 60 dollars from you. " No, I'm not puzzled look from the laundry, because through his nose, I notice that he father's side surely have Italians in the family needs. The Spaghettischnabulierer were stupid, sorry, I mean is, mathematically, 19 places behind the German stramme in the PISA study 2009th When he asked back, "where I came because" I'm totally Americanized, totally relaxed and truthfully answer "Prussia", $ 50 hold against him and say "The rest is up for Smarty!" Luckily my husband's grandparents were Polish immigrants. Who met exactly, not only in PISA the middle. Otherwise I could tell you today from my American bed, made in China, about "America the beautiful" report.
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