Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Top Rated Infant Swim Vests

MessieASSe. Run for your lives!

I am impressed by the American Women's World enormous legal. While the American always been attracted fresh in the morning and a few other way by Pamela eyeliner away, I see the morning more like the fresh nuts from the squirrels tuberculate. The only thing for me to Pamela Andersrum remembers is the bad taste ... in the mouth.
game to the hair, animal smells, dressed in fantastic soft flannel pajama pants and a pair of sunglasses, I stand with arms folded in front of the naked breast at the crack of dawn in the doorway to the patio door and praise loudly and with a sugary sweet voice of our children: "Good joooooooob executioner, gooood job Wendy ... Oooh, did you poop a big, big thingy ... boooooy Goood, goood giiirl. Mommy loves you Poopsy pants. "Every time I these sentences to myself my squeaky little wiggle her tail and happily pee on the feet. However, I have the strong suspicion that my two brats not the only ones are the bare-breasted at the sight of me happy and excited with the tail wiggle. My neighbor opposite, on the other side of the channel, seems at least not from the other side to be. Yesterday he was standing on the terrace behind a palm tree, winking through the fronds. How could I see the blind man? I could not, but his wife could not and he has hewn straight from the back between the shoulder blades, so that he reeled about, among pit to car radio, fell into the bushes. Yes, because Mom had him caught cold as he stood in the still night and was going through the lenses of binoculars. In his defense, I would say that the good man owns a painting company. He wanted probably see only once, if our paint from home yet fresh as a daisy, or whether he must come over to us to make an indecent proposal. I wonder if something is wrong in his marriage. His wife is a leveled by the facade carriers. Always fresh, powdered and a radioactive smile stock. Exactly that's probably the problem. Front and rear Hui Ugh. So they are in fact the Angloweibsen. Front rum to make a thick blouse, but in the bathroom turn secretly supported Schlübber on the left. Who in American homes goes by and wonders why all cars are parked outside the garages and not in the garages, must write the following abbreviation in his vocabulary booklet: GAU - Worst case disorder. All junk, no longer fit in the cabinets of the bursting apart 300Quadratmeter small house finds its way to the Two Car Garage, or as I like to call War Two garage. War because it is both his way into the garage and back out of it must fight. Since I praise the One War garage. If you need to fight only pure, at least you will not buy more to get out to other Schnulli. "He died alone and abandoned in the middle of his wife's unopened QVC shipping packages stored in his garage War One. Rachel Zoe got it blessed, "" The Lucky "think Now all German-speaking male Americans, "I wish I could also take a six in the lottery!".
I pity all Two Car Garage owners. Because the garage is not even the worst. From cleaning up let alone from cleaning the house American women have heard for generations, namely, nothing more. "What, the comb does not belong in the butter? But my husband saves but the hair pomade. "" I do not understand what you have, why do you want it not in the same bed with the sheets and sleep the pillow where the dogs usually turn their Puperze rub along? "" I'm sorry that you are at 6000 meters awareness have lost, as you tried our laundry Mount Everest to climb, but I had told you you should order the oxygen mask that I have shown you at your arrival on the shopping channel. "I do not know where it comes from all the dust I'm still swinging only at the feeder before 3 years the last time the cloth. "" Oh come on, give me the fork here, the remains of microwave meals from scratch 2 weeks ago I brighten up, "" Marie, I'm over here, behind the 2 tons of decaying magazines and immeasurably old stacked chip bags, paper cups and McDoof stinking Fußkleidern my son. Ohhhh, look out, does not occur in the Dog poop! "My dear Scholli my friends. The German Messies are against the common American, well-organized Mr. Clean. Even I with my foul, to dwell, unconventional "kiss my Swiffer in the cabinet is" attitude towards the MessieASSe, the prophets of the Financial Apocalypse from. I was not like how my mother has had with the cleaning and tidying up, but the fun stops at some point also. This is the same as with one of the beautiful Canary Islands, my parents and I visited in anticipation 1993rd This island I did not like how I tell my parents down from horrified throat with the nose of the car window should read: "Man Dad, Mom, that's not the point. Here indeed is all around. not even a can clean up here "" But Isilein quite Lanzarote consists of lava, which one can not simply put away! "
Well, the lanzarotischen Canary Islanders had at least an excuse, but invented ADHD or obesity does not count my love Amerikanesen!


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