Ring of Smithies. The return of the chief. First act arrived in Germany again, I had I would feel the Italian ice-cream vendor at the airport flutes belonging times my opinion. Italy? "Heart is through his stomach? Can you bend ... You ... You ... pasta cooker! Swallows and back again ausgeschnackt me your Italian romance," "Helloooo, I'd like a spaghetti ice cream with lots of strawberry sauce, double cream and rub 'time the whole board white chocolate over it, "said I, with rausgetreckter chest, the Iceman. "Hon, can you get me a cone with three scoops of chocolate ice cream, too please?" Tybalt called to me while I ordered my balm for the soul. "My friend would also like to nibble on something" I was with acidified face on the ice-cream cones on the counter. "Oh, you're such a beautiful brown due, eh Where you been?"
"Bellum Italia" I replied with still the same "delighted" face. "That is Bella Italia, my Dear corrected "me, the ball squirted my truck while he fully sundae with whipped cream. "Oh you're not on which Pagina in the dictionary for the flat nose pliers you have you read? For me it was a fight and now you hold the jaws Smurf "I thought. "Eh Isse beautiful there? Therefore, hot Bella Italia "I tried to enchant the Neapolitans. I wanted to keep me, my heart had not yet pumped enough blood on my tongue back to a long war of words with the enemy cause. So everything was what I replied: "Mio Cazzo!" Then I pulled him with raised eyebrows and tongue smacking, the thick Ice cream and ice cream cone in hand. "Then please, let it taste you my friend," I muttered Mike to meet him when I held the empty ice cream cone. Mike looked at me sadly. "Fox, the devil and spider, why he has only so deep blue eyes?" I thought when suddenly made broad sympathy in my heart. "Well guuuut, come here you have some spaghetti from me. I'd best not be. Maybe I was just too subtle with my references. It probably has not been enough that I was in 7 different jewelers wedding rings have only aufprobiert. "" Sweetie, what is wrong with you? You seem to be upset about something! "Researched Schmikilein after my empathic. "With me?" I asked innocently as I stared at my left ring finger, "Nothing." Mike started laughing. "Here, I have something for you." My heart started to pound "Hallejuja, he has it! Oh my God, now he has it! Shouted "to my brain cells happy. "There you go," Mike me the big plastic ring 5cm in diameter, its cover of the water bottle sat on the ring finger and said, "Happy?". I began to grin, so he had understood what I wanted and he was here without having lost his sense of humor with me. Happy that at least my subliminal Heiratswilligkeitsmessage arrived at Prince Schmichael was I fell on his neck: "I love you Mike", "I love you too baby, but you will have to wait a while! I am not ready yet "We were back, heart and throat. Only the "One Ring" was all I was wanting to my happiness.
indulged At home we first 5 glasses of wine. "Greek wine, and the familiar old songs. Schenk 'again one! Because I feel the desire again, "After the 4th Glass began the voice of the "One Ring" to haunt back in my head. "The fat hobbit he will want to take you." This is something I could not, the "One Ring was mine, all alone. I Acheoloides Schlimmling had a chance to find my prince charming too. A new holiday was needed. A land of mythology and ancient gods who would assist me in my odyssey. With, from the juice of the gods, circulating eyes I tried to label the Flein Lingerie read: "Krääääähtikuss, hehe" "Mike comes from the Klasche Friechenland" I Hicks, "Do Mreta? Since when, "I turned the bottle into the candlelight," castor-oil plant is ... "I started to giggle," Oh Mikilein you better watch out, another Shit Hole, castor-oil plant, the city Otto of the fleet. "Mike I pulled the bottle out of hand," Where? "" Oh, you retard, it says Rhizenia on Crete. "My point exactly, Castor," I muttered, as the sleep fairy placed their sledge hammer between my eyes. "Marie? Marie? Helloooo? "Mike's sweet voice rang in my ears, but had not enough strength to get through to my brain.
A few months later, we sat motorized well in a traditional race board and went to meet the shining moon Agia Galini. In the back-lit the lights of the Heraklon runway. "Luxurious Small car at the minimum charge rejoiced "to the Autover (l) an the internet when I booked the good piece. With 55 km / h injected Mike and I through the hairpin turns of the Mycenaean island. Without navigation system, we should have arrived in our family-run hotel in 1.5h. I had everything well organized and planned drove while my Herzilein at sea Somali pirates.
"Sweetie" Mike screamed high Stmme, "We were already four times within 3 hours, who gave you as taught to read the card? Marty McFly? "Sucking out the feathers of the Year 1992 Ford Fiesta driver's seat, Mike had probably in the ass bitten. Completely shocked, I shouted back: "Look ma 'chief of pussy, who is here for the Navigator? Huh? I'm not 'stupid, you're wrong turn back there. Marty Mc Fly, pah, Captain Bluebear are you and to you know 'to the hatch and turn! "Impressed by my wit and the F1 suspicious lining up German vocabulary Mike turned to the noble carriage and stepped on the accelerator so hard that leaned my head a half inch to the rear. "" Wow, now off you go, 60 km / h in 4 seconds, "I yelled against the howling engine. After four hours of cheerful trip just the two came we by 1 clock in the morning in our hotel. Chief pussy and Marty McFly were tired, and despite strenuous journey they fell, in her pink room, in her arms and apologized to each other for the verbal attacks of the small spin.
Days passed before we again venture into hell our vehicle. A trip to Chania, we wanted to do. Pretty it should be there and we were told that they should have a Venetian harbor. "Venice? Venetian? "My subconscious sprawled," Was not there something? "I thought. "Hmm, can not remember exactly!"
arrived in Chania, we decided from the idyll and romance of the beautiful seaside town done, look for us to a hotel room in the old town. Quick was a pretty, small hotel and found we were on the narrow corners of the small port town to explore. After a beautiful sunset cruise on the Cretan sea, with Greek cuisine, wine and music, we were in our hotel room into a deep sleep.
The next morning, I wanted to go shanoppen. Bright, fresh and free, we strolled through the streets of Chania. Up, yes up, my prince remained Schmichael are at a jeweler, by the disk luckte, after 3 seconds without a word turned and in a Starbucks with the words: "Man I am thirsty." Disappeared. Surprised that he had seen behind the wheel, I rushed to the window. The sun reflected in the windshield and I could see nothing in the window. I stepped back a bit. Starbucks, my mouth hung down to the knees. "Oh, that's what he has seen the sign for Starbucks is reflected in the windshield." Something in mourning I decided to look into the Greek jeweler to throw. In business took care of immediately a very nice seller to me. "Are you look for any special," she bumped in her best English. "Noooo, I am just looking!" My eyes inspected the shiny white gold rings. As it hit my magpie eyes like a blow. A white gold ring with a large, glistening jewel in the center surrounded by six aquamarines. "That's him. This is the "One Ring". "What are you doing?" Mike's voice interrupted my thoughts hypnotized. "Ooooohhh Mikilein, look but once," I pointed with a trembling hand on the ring of rings "of the ring has stones so blue as your eyes! I love him. "I looked at Mike with big eyes and lower lip pushed forward. "Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitteeeeeeeeeee!" I said with quängelnder voice while I hang on his arm. Mike smiled at me. "Do you like it?" He asked. "If I like it? I love it! "It rumbled out of me. Prince Schmichael was cooked soft. He pulled out his wallet from the guilder and the friendly sales hastily pulled the credit card by the cash register, because they probably had my fear that the American is lovely in the last minute to back down, have smelled. After the financial was regulated, Mike read the little box with the little gold coin disappear in his pants pocket. "Öhhhhhh what isn nu? I thought I'd get the same infected? Helloooooo? How now? When I marry it?? Oh, he will certainly make the whole flomantisch and traditional and the Nightly ask me on my knees if I Smithy by his wife and wants to be pussy. Well I will not even be impatient! "So we walked to the harbor and ate like kings in a Greek taverna. After a few bottles of wine and lots of tzatziki, we were smooching on the hotel bed. I could feel the hard box with my gold piece in his pocket, on my leg. "Now he will probably ask me the same" I was happy. "What is so hard that in your pants?" I asked Mike. Mike raised his eyebrows and said: "I can show you!" Just as he opened his pants wanted, I began to pout. "I mean niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich! Mannoooo Miheiiiiiike. I mean the Boooooohooox "I tapped his pocket. "Oh," Mike kissed me, "Whatever!" "No, no, no, no, no!" So close to the finish Schluise Schlimmling would not give up. I turned on my stomach. "No hoppelpoppel without the Ringipingi" I screamed into the pillow. Mike reached into his pocket while he rolled his weight and fully clothed in my tender body. I could feel like he reached into his pocket. My heart started pounding like crazy and I was about to pee myself with joy and pressure in his pants. Mike placed the small sealed box with the "One Ring" on the mattress to the eye and waited. "" Yes, and now? What isn los nu? ? Sky, ass and thread here because you have to do it all myself, "I opened the casket and said," And now "?. Mike took a deep breath: "Jesus, Sweetie, do not you want to wear that ring?" "Yes I will, but you do not want me to ask what" Mike was still lying on my back?. "Alright," he snorted, "Do you, one day in the future, want to be with me for a long time?" "Öööööhhh, is now a marriage proposal? Pupsegal! Even if no one's is, I can later turn it so that I have understood it! "I shot it in a fraction of a second of his head. "Yes," I happily coughed and put myself in the ring. Schmichael Schluise Smithy and that sounded like music to my ears. We would go through thick and thin, but first we had to figure out when to begin the eternity for us.
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