Timing is everything
I had visited last time in Beijing, the three main points of interest in already, I was able to give me a visit to the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. Since I had done but the last time in the Forbidden City tourist-only snapshots, I wanted this time, at least this time the input from the view of Tiananmen Square more beautiful . Catch So off to Tiananmen Square. The safety checks at every subway stop I had got used to me pretty quickly, but that was something introduced himself to places, I was taken aback but then. Where it really seems logical, since around the Tiananmen Square are the centers of power in China. And I look at the worst of all possible time had chosen for my trip to the Forbidden City: the National People's Congress held in Beijing, was thus in the vicinity of an increased alert level, a large contingent of military and police secured from everything, the whole place was fenced and on the surface and underground access control of persons found instead.
Shortly after sunset I was finally on target and so I took on all the pictures that I had done this before then. And at the entrance to the Forbidden City was it all right night, so fast my bright 50mm prime lens mounted. While changing lenses asks me a friendly Chinese to English, if I was working as a photographer for a magazine or a newspaper. I replied that I am here as a tourist and do professionally as a systems engineer with photography was rather less. What he then immediately led to his next question, where I would come to. To which I replied, then Germany. From there it was for the young man no stopping it, in German, he told me half his life that he had lived for years in Germany and worked at Bosch in Feuerbach, where he had studied and how much he liked but Germany would find, that he had chosen his first name to Wolfgang, because it the Goethe's poems have impressed so deep, how deep he would still miss the German order, and how much he wants to live and work in Germany. Meanwhile, even then the first announcements were in Chinese, which I translated my new acquaintance conveniently forgotten that it was 19 clock, the place would be closed and you should go immediately to the exit. Two minutes later, then made several policemen on to clear the square.