Friday, May 30, 2008

Template For A 120 Inch Round Tablecloth


Yes, my friends have contacted me again. Is after less than six weeks ago, I was blackmailed to pay the penalty. Whether I would have bought a TV in the meantime, as would then yes penalty fee. What part of "I have no TV," Do not interpret their organized criminals? but only four words are probably three too many. I also know of more pleasurable ways to kill myself as soft brain cooking with the public money. ARD and ZDF were once traveling with a cultural mission, but was sacrificed in the supposed quota spasm with the private stations mercilessly, just like the last bit level. Including, Germany is taking now with seven-league boots the last step of the complete Americanization: the duration of the masses through the idiocy to claim, by bidding on TV. This has now reached proportions that, even Oliver Lime kiln has capitulated. Good night Germany ... Hmmm, what will make the minions of the GEZtapo actually, if I change my Internet access to cable-BW? Do I get a day pass then sent a racketeer? Or there's finally video streaming of the new public access to my device?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Drivers Scaner Brother

turvy world cities

To the maximum daily level reports German fuel prices we are so used to it slowly again. And oh nee Anal Aral and the Dutch Oligolpol-mate and Preisabsprecher Shell finally bring light into the thicket rate is already almost a blessing. Diesel, regular and premium gasoline costs for the poor, livelihoods threatened companies so recently equal. I just wonder just what the two since the last 63 years actually ridden that they used diesel sold cheaper? Was that the loss leader? Probably it is again the usual suspects: the rise in procurement costs on the world market. Since then, however, imposes itself again on the question of how to increase procurement costs for Shell when the drill itself in the North Sea for oil and dig up all the land in Canada to oil sands? Or was the Brent Spar platform, the last of the shell? The absolute firing but today brought the BFT service station in Leinfelden: even 2 cents since diesel was more expensive than regular and premium gasoline.

I still dull remember the car-free Sundays because of the oil crisis of the mid 70s. At that time highways have become giant bike paths for a day because nobody was on the road. Today, the fuel costs almost three times as much and no one thinks about a car-free Sunday. It is stirring not even more to someone. Poor Germany

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Alumacraft Lunker Pros And Cons


A particularly fine example of the poverty of the public administration is Sindelfingen. Once through the well-Daimler richest city in Germany, which was put in their best days of white marble as a pedestrian crossing, the city is dirt poor because of the restructuring of its main business taxpayer. There are many ways out of poverty, it was adamant and would rather save a parking garage closed due to the threat of dilapidation, as one would have restored the it, which had improved the tight parking situation in Sindelfingen, not necessarily. But they showed their creativity in Sindelfingen. The city tried other ways to profit from cars: Leave nodules. Nothing against tickets for parking offenders, but what I experienced yesterday, has really surprised me: there is a ticket on my windshield because I had allegedly parked on a boundary marker. Perhaps the thought even the painted onto the tarmac blocking surface, the well began three feet behind my car. But then the ticket would be a fraud (the attempt itself is punishable according to the Civil Code). So I quickly sometimes my car back a bit that it might be taken, perhaps somewhere under my car a boundary marker that should be accessible for survey work. Nothing ... I'm curious sometimes whether the pull really do.