I do not know if I have it mentioned this before, but I have an old hobby for me rediscovered photography. Those who believe it does not like, can indeed look around once in http://www.flickr.com/photos/robsen/ itself. Since there is a small selection of images that I have done so since 2006.
For today I had planned to make a few pictures on architecture and night scenes. Armed with camera and tripod was my first attempt at a HDR image of the Millennium Hotel and the SI-Centrum in Stuttgart-Moehringen. To make it short, I probably still need some practice. So I thought, I'm taking time Stuttgart's shopping mile, the royal road before. Meanwhile, just 22 clock until I was there was actually nothing more is going to do business there as I know already by 20 clock workday. As I then at the media market in the Klett-Passage passed, but I wondered a little that there's a lot of customers went in and out. I was hardly around the corner turned into the Royal Route, the status of the new 107.7 passer delighted with a win game in which main prize being a 1 Series BMW. Very strange, at this time ... so there was the hell. Nearly every business had opened. And the countless people made then destroy a lone shot of King Street at night. So I had
drive me from the crowd and so came to Palace Square. There I found but a few designs to let off steam as the Old and the New Palace, the two wells on the Palace Square and the new fountain in front of the castle. One must only be flexible:)